New study suggests chemicals in dark hair care products increase breast cancer risk
Black hair care has become a multibillion-dollar business and many products rely on chemical formulas to make them work, but a new study shows that hair products for black women may be more prone to breast cancer than a toxic hair chemical. The risk of cancer may increase.
According to a study by Breast Cancer Prevention Partners, parabens, which are a group of chemicals that prevent mold and bacteria from growing on beauty products, may trigger the growth of breast cancer cells.
The study reported that more than 90 percent of people in the United States have parabens in their bodies, while higher concentrations are found in women and black Americans. Additionally, hair products marketed and used in Black communities are more likely to contain parabens.
“One reason for the higher risk of breast cancer may be exposure to harmful chemicals called endocrine-disrupting chemicals in hair and personal care products. These chemicals mimic the effects of hormones on the body.” Lindsey S TrevinoThe study’s lead researcher said in a press release.
A survey exploring paraben-free hair care products showed that fewer of those products are marketed to African American women. However, Trevino also suggested that more research is needed.
“Black women are more likely to buy and use hair products with these types of chemicals, but we don’t have a lot of data about how parabens may increase breast cancer risk in black women,” Trevino to continue. “This is because most research studies looking at this link did not select black women to participate. Furthermore, the study only used breast cancer cell lines from white women to test this link.” Is.”
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The study was conducted in partnership with the Bench to Community Initiative (BCI), which aims to support scientists, community members and breast cancer patients to reduce exposure to hazardous chemicals in hair and personal care products used by black women. works with.
Boston University’s Black Women’s Health Study tracked 59,000 participants who enrolled back in 1995 and saw no association between moderate use of hair relaxers and a higher risk of breast cancer. However, the study noted that “heavy use of hair relaxers containing lye” may be associated with a more aggressive form of breast cancer.
According to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, the death rate from breast cancer is 41 percent higher among black women.
To learn more about breast cancer, self-support and the different types of treatment available, visit Susan G. Komen website,