
Dataset we’re looking at this week

You are reading data is plural, A weekly newsletter of useful/curious datasets. below you will find 22 June 2022, EditionReprinted with permission at FiveThirtyEight.

2022.06.22 Version

Monkeypox cases, Ukraine airstrike warnings, central bank interest rates, inclusive crossword names and NYC plantations.

Monkeypox cases., a data-sharing initiative launched during the COVID-19 pandemic, has compiled a dataset of more than 2,500 confirmed cases from this year’s monkeypox outbreak. The dataset, obtained from government and media sources, lists the country and publicly known characteristics of each case, such as patient gender, age range, date of confirmation, and symptoms. as seen inCharts and maps from the team and Our World in Data.

Ukraine air strike warning Kyiv-based software engineer Volodymyr Agafonkin is scraping and charting emergency information published through Air Alert Ukraine, a Telegram channel. The notifications serve as the digital equivalent of sirens that warn residents of possible impending Russian air strikes. Agafonkin’s dataset indicates the start and end times of more than 8,000 alerts for 240 locations since March 15. read more: an interview with Agfonkin in How to Read This Chart, a Washington Post newsletter.

Central bank interest rates. The Bank for International Settlements maintains a longitudinal dataset of policy interest rates, which central banks adjust to influence inflation and other aspects of the economy. The dataset, which includes both official policy rates and similar predecessors, covers three dozen countries and the European Central Bank. Records for Denmark, India, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK span decades, up to 1946; 1954 for America; 1960 for Canada; and 1976 for Australia.

Inclusive crossword names. In a post for The New York Times’ Gameplay section, psychology professor Describes her motivations for creating the Extended Crossword Name Database, “a free and regularly updated list of names, places and things that group, identities, and people are often excluded from the crossword grid,” paying particular attention to with “names of women, non-binary, trans and/or people of color.” It has over 2,400 possible entries – from Alia to Zoranelhurston – that correspond to over 900 distinct proper nouns, each briefly described in the project’s main spreadsheet. [h/t George Ho]

NYC Plantation. The New York City Department of Parks and Recreation publishes a map and dataset of recent and potentially upcoming street tree plantings. Information includes the coordinates of each location, the nearest street address, zip code, city council district and borough, as well as the dates of full planting. before this: Every Street Tree in NYC (DIP 2016.11.16). [h/t ]

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